What Would a 60% Increase in Referrals Do to Your Practice?
Are you frustrated by patient referral strategies that don’t work? Do you have lots of happy patients that are benefitting from your treatment, but their friends and family aren’t coming in?
Some reasons for this breakdown in communicating the benefits of your treatment may include:
- Your patient may not clearly understand all the benefits you provide.
- Your patient may not describe your treatment in a way that is appealing to someone unfamiliar to chiropractic.
- Your patient may not understand all of the people and conditions you can help, they only know how you’ve helped them.
- Your patient may have a difficult time expressing the wholistic nature of what you do. Their perspective is too narrow.
Your Answer May Be a Book
Throughout history, books have held status and importance. Even if you’re not a reader, there’s something inspiring when you visit an extensive library, especially if the books are old. To walk through the halls of ancient texts is to walk the paths of the influential thinkers of history.
And, while the modern age has given us vast quantities of information with a few keystrokes, the printed word still impresses and delights us.
The perception of writing a book is that it takes years, and tons of research. It’s a significant undertaking and not one to be entered into lightly. And, there is a place for those kinds of books.
But that’s not what I’m recommending for you here.
You don’t have time for that.
And it won’t actually do the good that it could if you did.
No, I recommend you borrow on the perceived value of a book, but streamline the process so that the book can take weeks, not years.
Imagine in 2-3 months when you’re handing out a book that you’ve written for your patients, and they are actually reading and applying what’s inside.
It’s very doable, and I will show you how in Easy Patient Referrals for Chiropractors.
Why I Know This Works
I recently discovered how incredibly beneficial Chiropractic care can be in ways I never knew.
I had slight scoliosis as a child, and spend most of my childhood in and out of Dr Wallen’s office. My mom had a fall when I was young, and she’s always gone to a chiropractor. So in my mind, as with most people, y’all do great work for backs. And you do. But you do so much more than just that.
That narrowness in my understanding kept me from seeking help with other health struggles that I’ve had for several years. I can’t even begin to describe my frustration with my lack of progress. I didn’t know that Chiropractic care was my missing piece to return to health.
My mom tried to translate the information from the doctor to me, but it wasn’t until she brought me some instructional brochures they provide their new patients, and I had the printed words in front of me that I could read and reread, and study, that I understood. I quickly scheduled my initial evaluation determined to do all that the Chiropractor recommended. And the results have been amazing.
My only regret is that I didn’t know that Chiropractic was the thing I needed years ago.
My Experience as a Practitioner
When I first started my practice, I created helpful worksheets for my clients so they could maximize their progress while they worked with me. I had them beautifully designed in full color. I would compile them into folders that I would give to my clients on their first visit. They would smile and politely thank me.
A year or two later, I learned how to independently publish. I took those worksheets, expanded them a bit, and created a short book. It’s been available on Amazon ever since. When I ran out of my worksheets, I ordered copies of the book instead to give to my clients.
What happened then astounded me.
Not only were my clients much more visibly impressed that I was giving them a book at the end of that first session, but they brought them back. They read them. They used them. I would see flags and highlights throughout the book when they asked for clarification on a point or two in their next session.
And, they also made much faster progress towards their goals in working with me than they had previously.
The difference was the information was in the form of a book.
My clients valued the format of the information more, so they were more willing to apply the information and increase their transformation.
Just because I put it in a book.
You can use that same power of a book to gain new patients excited to work with you. Some professionals have noticed an increase in referrals from 10% to 60%. I can’t guarantee those exact numbers, they depend on more than just a book, but a book was the cornerstone of that referral strategy.
And you can duplicate and increase your referral strategy as well.
The Easy and Powerful Referral Tool
In Easy Patient Referrals for Chiropractors, I’ll show you how you can easily write a patient referral tool book that gets read and gets your phone ringing. You’ll learn:
- Why a book is so helpful and important
- How to compile your information into a book
- Important factors for illustrations, charts, images, etc.
- Who are beta readers and why you should use them
- Hiring an editor
- Packaging your book for printing
- Whether to print or publish
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